Man Works with Super Calculator to Split the Atom
(Original Caption) It was announced today by Princeton University that the mathematical equivalent of a slow-motion picture of the splitting of the atom, in terms of the liquid drop model, has resulted from research conducted by two university physicists, an extensive calculation, planned and directed by Professor John A. Wheeler of Princeton, and Mr. David L. Hill, now of Vanderbilt University, and has been carried out on the Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator. More than 12 million calculating operations were completed in obtaining a step-by-step description of the process by which the uranium nucleus divides into smaller parts with an immense energy release. This research is a development of ideas advanced by the renowned Danish physicist Niels Bohr, who proposed that the behavior of the atomic nucleus is in many ways similar to that of a drop of liquid, such as water. U
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Data da criação:
15 de novembro de 1949
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4176 x 3368 px (35,36 x 28,52 cm) - 300 dpi - 4 MB
- Universidade de Princeton,
- 1940-1949,
- Câmera Lenta,
- Duas pessoas,
- Economia,
- Engenharia,
- Filme de arquivo,
- Finanças e economia,
- Físico,
- Ivy League - Universidade,
- Líquido,
- Matemática - Opção Educacional,
- Negócios Finanças e Indústria,
- New York City,
- Paisagem - Natureza,
- Pesquisa,
- Pessoas,
- Planejamento,
- Tecnologia,
- Universidade Vanderbilt,
- Átomo,