Red Deer Rutting Season In Windsor Great Park Windsor

A red deer stag crosses the Long Walk in front of the Copper Horse statue during the rutting season on 6th October 2023 in Windsor, United Kingdom. The deer park enclosure in Windsor Great Park is home to a herd of around 500 red deer descended from forty hinds and two stags introduced by the former Duke of Edinburgh in 1979. (photo by Mark Kerrison/In Pictures via Getty Images)
A red deer stag crosses the Long Walk in front of the Copper Horse statue during the rutting season on 6th October 2023 in Windsor, United Kingdom. The deer park enclosure in Windsor Great Park is home to a herd of around 500 red deer descended from forty hinds and two stags introduced by the former Duke of Edinburgh in 1979. (photo by Mark Kerrison/In Pictures via Getty Images)
Red Deer Rutting Season In Windsor Great Park Windsor
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Mark Kerrison / Colaborador
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In Pictures
Data da criação:
06 de outubro de 2023
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