Foto de stock de Full frame of the textures formed by the water jets to pressure with drops floating in the air on a white background

Full frame of the textures formed  by the water jets to pressure with drops floating in the air on a white background
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R$ 1.900,00
Getty ImagesFull Frame Of The Textures Formed By The Water Jets To Pressure With Drops Floating In The Air On A White Background, Foto de stockFull Frame Of The Textures Formed By The Water Jets To Pressure With Drops Floating In The Air On A White Background, Foto de stockBaixe fotos de stock de Full frame of the textures formed by the water jets to pressure with drops floating in the air on a white background autênticas e de qualidade premium na Getty Images. Explore fotos de stock similares de alta resolução no nosso extenso catálogo visual.Product #:1302666466
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