Ilustração de Ícone de pera em preto e branco Vector Backgrounds

Pear Icon on Black and White Vector Backgrounds. This vector illustration includes two variations of the icon one in black on a light background on the left and another version in white on a dark background positioned on the right. The vector icon is simple yet elegant and can be used in a variety of ways including website or mobile application icon. This royalty free image is 100% vector based and all design elements can be scaled to any size.
Pear Icon on Black and White Vector Backgrounds. This vector illustration includes two variations of the icon one in black on a light background on the left and another version in white on a dark background positioned on the right. The vector icon is simple yet elegant and can be used in a variety of ways including website or mobile application icon. This royalty free image is 100% vector based and all design elements can be scaled to any size.
Ícone de pera em preto e branco Vector Backgrounds
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Todas as licenças royalty-free incluem direitos de uso global, proteção abrangente, preços simplificados com possibilidade de desconto por volume​
R$ 1.900,00
Getty ImagesCone De Pera Em Preto E Branco Vector Backgrounds, Foto de stockCone De Pera Em Preto E Branco Vector Backgrounds, Foto de stockBaixe ilustrações de stock de Ícone de pera em preto e branco Vector Backgrounds autênticas e de qualidade premium na Getty Images. Explore ilustrações de stock similares de alta resolução no nosso extenso catálogo visual.Product #:694157020
Getty Images
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ID Criativo:
Tipo de licença:
DigitalVision Vectors
Tamanho máximo do arquivo:
6483 x 3159 px (21,17 x 10,31 cm) - 778 dpi - 696 KB
Data do upload:
United States
Info sobre autorização:
Não requer autorização