''Fantastic Art, Dada and Surrealism'' show at the Museum of Modern Art

Frederico Castelone's surrealistic 'Blind leading the blind' / Meret Oppenheim's Dada, 'Object' (Fur-covered cup, saucer, and spoon) / Argentinian artist Leonor Fini speaks [unintelligible] while standing next to her painting of two dancers; she holds a bag seemingly decorated with sharp fangs / 'The Lovers' featuring lips stretched across a desert horizon / 'The Eye' by Rene Magritte / Yves Tanguy's 'Mama, Papa Is Wounded!' / Pan up of an unidentified sculpture of a top hat, a suspended woman's leg facing a ball on a string topped with a taxidermized parrot on its perch / Note: exact day not known; no reporter track
Frederico Castelone's surrealistic 'Blind leading the blind' / Meret Oppenheim's Dada, 'Object' (Fur-covered cup, saucer, and spoon) / Argentinian artist Leonor Fini speaks [unintelligible] while standing next to her painting of two dancers; she holds a bag seemingly decorated with sharp fangs / 'The Lovers' featuring lips stretched across a desert horizon / 'The Eye' by Rene Magritte / Yves Tanguy's 'Mama, Papa Is Wounded!' / Pan up of an unidentified sculpture of a top hat, a suspended woman's leg facing a ball on a string topped with a taxidermized parrot on its perch / Note: exact day not known; no reporter track

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ID Editorial:
Sherman Grinberg Library
Data da criação:
01 de dezembro de 1936
Data do upload:
Tipo de licença:
Direitos prontos
Info sobre autorização:
Sem autorização Mais informações
Duração do clipe:
New York City, New York, United States
Masterizado em:
QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 23.98p
Filmado originalmente em:
35mm B/W Neg
Sherman Grinberg Library
Nome do objeto: