French ethnologist and anthropologist, Claude Levi-Strauss, is a member of the prestigious Academie Francaise, a French literary academy founded by...
Anthropologue et ethnologue Claude Lévi-Strauss à son bureau au Collège de France à Paris en France, le 17 mars 1967.
French ethnologist and anthropologist Claude Levi Strauss poses during a portrait session held on October 5, 1979 in Paris, France.
Portrait of Belgian-born anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss sitting at his desk at the College de France, Paris, 1987 .
French anthropologist and essayist Claude Levi Strauss session portrait on May 10, 1979 in Paris, France.
French ethnologist and anthropologist Claude Levi Strauss poses during a portrait session held on October 5, 1979 in Paris, France.
French ethnologist and anthropologist Claude Levi Strauss poses during a portrait session held on October 5, 1979 in Paris, France.