The Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Forms Vesicles Containing Mature Proteins That Are Then Transported Toward The Golgi's Apparatus.
Protein Synthesis The Ribosome Is Fixed To The Endoplasmic Reticulum ; The Synthetized Polypeptide Is Released Into The Endoplasmic Reticulum.
Protein Synthesis The Beginning Of The Polypeptidic Chain Is Recognized By The Membrane Of The Endoplasmic Reticulum.
Protein Synthesis The Transfer Rna Enters Into The Ribosome And Fixes Itself To The Codon Of The Mrna Corresponding To Its Anticodon. It Then...
Messengers Rna Exits From The Nucleus Through Its Nuclear Pores And They End Up In The Cytoplasm Of The Cell.
The Endoplasmic Reticulum Plays An Important Role In The Biosynthesis, Processing, And Transport Of Proteins And Lipids.
ilustrações, clipart, desenhos animados e ícones de phages and bacterial cell structure, illustration - ribossomo
ilustrações, clipart, desenhos animados e ícones de phages infecting a bacterial cell, illustration - ribossomo
ilustrações, clipart, desenhos animados e ícones de phages infecting a bacterial cell, illustration - ribossomo
ilustrações, clipart, desenhos animados e ícones de phages infecting a bacterial cell, illustration - ribossomo
a doctor in protective clothing looks at a nucleic acid test tube - ribossomo - fotografias e filmes do acervo
a doctor in protective clothing looks at a nucleic acid test tube - ribossomo - fotografias e filmes do acervo
a doctor in protective clothing looks at a nucleic acid test tube - ribossomo - fotografias e filmes do acervo
ilustrações, clipart, desenhos animados e ícones de chloroplast structure, 3d illustration - ribossomo
ilustrações, clipart, desenhos animados e ícones de chloroplast structure, 3d illustration - ribossomo
Structure of a gram negative bacteria. The bacterium is partially cut to show its structure, wall traversed by porins, peptidoglycan and membrane. At...
Structure of a gram negative bacteria. The bacterium is partially cut to show its structure, wall traversed by porins, peptidoglycan and membrane. At...
Middle ear with purulent effusion, bulging tympanum, Haemophilus influenza bacteria. Otitis media acute, frontal cut of the auditory apparatus...
Middle ear with purulent effusion, bulging tympanum, Haemophilus influenza bacteria. Otitis media acute, frontal cut of the auditory apparatus...
Site of action of drugs in the treatment of acute otitis media. Frontal cut of the auditory apparatus passing through the outer ear and the middle...