President Trump notes working to make coronavirus antibody treatment free, return to normalcy at rally

President Donald Trump says at an outdoor campaign rally at ST Aerospace that he was fighting to get stimulus checks for American workers whereas Nancy Pelosi would give stimulus checks to illegal aliens, to boos, and a larger bailout states are doing well unlike Florida and Alabama, he was working to make the antibody treatment he received for coronavirus are free because it was not anyone's fault, there would be 100 million vaccine doses before the end of the year, America was running the curve in the corner, the vaccine would help speed that up, Joe Biden's plan to crush America but his was just to be back to normal where America was seven months earlier.
President Donald Trump says at an outdoor campaign rally at ST Aerospace that he was fighting to get stimulus checks for American workers whereas Nancy Pelosi would give stimulus checks to illegal aliens, to boos, and a larger bailout states are doing well unlike Florida and Alabama, he was working to make the antibody treatment he received for coronavirus are free because it was not anyone's fault, there would be 100 million vaccine doses before the end of the year, America was running the curve in the corner, the vaccine would help speed that up, Joe Biden's plan to crush America but his was just to be back to normal where America was seven months earlier.

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Data da criação:
23 de outubro de 2020
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Pensacola, FL, United States
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